
Media Registration


June 8-11, 2025 | Dallas, TX

The Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting is open to members of the working news media or those on assignment for news publications, programs, websites, or other news media that are generally recognized, and regularly updated, distributed or disseminated, where the primary purpose of registration and attendance is for legitimate news coverage of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Apply for media credentials by agreeing to the following guidelines, policies and ground rules along with filling out the form below.

Media Guidelines

Any messengers, guests, or exhibitors functioning as media are also required to register for media credentials. SBC messengers, guests, or exhibitors who also claim media status will be held to the same standards for approval and, if approved, will receive only the same access as other members of the media.

Review and processing of applications and credentials may take up to 14 days. Members of the press and established media are encouraged to apply before June 1, 2024. Those who submit application forms and/or request credentials on or after June 2, 2024 should be prepared to 1) present identification and work samples upon registration and 2) experience longer wait times.

Press accreditation will NOT be granted to anyone whose principal purpose in attending this event is, in the judgment of SBC Executive Committee Communications staff, for reasons other than gathering details, interviews, and/or photos for a news report or feature. The SBC Executive Committee Communications staff also reserves the right, at its discretion, to reject the application of anyone who, in their judgement, may be attending the event under false pretenses or with ulterior motives or malicious intent.

SBC media credentials for representatives of media advertising, marketing, public relations or consulting firms will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Misconduct or misrepresentation of position and/or publication/media organization will bar you and your organization from future SBC events.

Media representatives who violate guidelines or ground rules for coverage of the SBC Annual Meeting, whether written or oral, may have their credentials withdrawn and asked to leave the event location.

The SBC Executive Committee reserves the right to limit the number of credentials it issues.

Policy for Traditional Media

The SBC Annual Meeting provides media credentials to working members of the press whose principal purpose of registration and attendance at the event is to gather details, interviews, and/or photos for a news report or feature on or related to the Southern Baptist Convention. This includes editors, reporters, producers, camera crews, still photographers, and freelancers on assignment for news publications, programs, or other news media that are generally recognized, regularly reach a significant audience, and who present valid press identification. 

Policy for Non-Traditional Media or Special Interest Groups

Bloggers or other citizen journalists must represent established, legitimate, SBC-related or reputable outlets as determined by SBC Executive Committee Communications staff.

Film crews for non-profit ministries or advocacy groups are only allowed to conduct their business outside of the Convention Center and Convention hotel.

Bloggers and other citizen journalists who lack formal press credentials must provide work samples of their news coverage of Southern Baptist Convention to media@sbc.net no later than May 19, 2025. 

Media credentials are generally considered based on the following criteria:

  • Those who have been credentialed for similar events within the previous three years.
  • Those who can demonstrate legitimate news coverage about the SBC Annual Meeting or SBC-related issues in the previous six months. 
  • Where the first two conditions cannot be met, a provisional one-time credential may be provided on a case-by-case basis by either the SBC Executive Committee’s Vice President for Communications or Media Relations Director. 

Media Ground Rules

Upon Arrival

  • Check in at the SBC Press Room to receive media badge and other information
  • Review and sign the 2025 SBC Annual Meeting Media Guidelines


  • Wear your media badge
  • Immediately identify yourself to those you are seeking to interview
  • Respect the rights of messengers to freely participate in the business session without impediment, intrusion, or as much as possible distraction
  • Report any issues to SBC Communications staff immediately

Inside the Convention Hall

  • Enter and proceed directly to the designated media area located in front of the TV cameras
  • Videographers must stay in the designated media area(s)
  • Still photographers may use the open area in front of the media section or the area directly in front of the stage
  • While in session, do not approach individual messengers for comment
  • Use wide angle lenses for crowd shots. Do not focus video on nor photograph any single individual messenger without the their awareness and permission
  • Do not randomly roam around the convention hall shooting video or pictures
  • Do not intrude on the sightlines of the Convention’s official camera operations

In the Exhibit Hall

  • For news gathering operations, credentialed media are permitted to enter the exhibit hall. Interviews on the exhibit hall floor must be by prior invitation (no “man on the street” style interviews) from an exhibitor or member of the SBC Executive Committee Communications staff during official hours of operation 
  • Media is required to remain with the exhibitor by which they were invited and gather the content for which they were invited
  • Do not approach other exhibitors for news gathering operations when uninvited

SBC Executive Committee Communications staff reserves the right to modify this policy without public notice and to revoke previously issued credentials and/or registration at any time.

Media Registration

  • My interest in covering the SBC Annual Meeting as a credentialed member of the media is for the following purpose(s):
  • I have read and agree to abide by these terms of agreement.